Below are quick links to useful websites or documents...
Weather links for our field:
- NOAA weather forecast for the BAMS flying field.
- Air Sports Network weather forecast for the field.
- Sailflow Wind forecast centered on Kerrville
- NOAA's MADIS site For a look at conditions in the area within the last 15 minutes located about 3 miles northeast of the BAMS field.
Articles of general interest, links to AMA publications, and important news articles:
- Login to the AMA's official website
- Visit the official AMA website for District VIII
- The AMA's latest comments on the 'Proposed Rulemaking' by the FAA
- The AMA's official publications
- The AMA Newsletter
- A handbook for RC Pilot Instructors by Mike Lynch of the Tri-County RC Club*
- The NSRCA's (National Society of Radio Controlled Aerobatics) comprehensive procedures for trimming an aircraft*
- McMaster-Carr has a huge inventory of oddball (and standard) hardware, hose, etc.
- RTL Fasteners has a huge inventory of small fasteners at very fair prices
- A scholarly article on designing a flying wing*
- Advice, tips and articles of general interest from an experienced aircraft modeller
- A good discussion of expected behaviour at BAMS' flying field
- An immense resource of nearly every aircraft every made (use the search box to find a specific plane)
Links To Local Clubs:
Links To Useful Calculators, Tables and Information (like everything on the web, use at your own risk):
- Calculate electrical and performance parameters based on battery/ESC/motor/prop
- Find an electric motor that matches your criteria
- Ducted fan calculator
- Take a look at all the aircraft in flight worldwide
Note: Items marked with an * are PDF files and may require a separate, appropriate viewer.